A little of this, a little of that…

So here I am, back again in the blogosphere spouting off nonsense to the meager crowd of my friends & family who are willing to read something I’ve created.  As you can see from the previous post, it has been a long time since I’ve graced these pages with my words and no, I still have yet to figure out WordPress.  Fortunately for me I have a group of highly intelligent friends and family who ARE familiar with WordPress that can decipher it for me.

There are many reasons why the time between my last (real) post in 2009 and my resurgence now in 2013.  Around the time of Somacow’s Cure for the Run in August 2009 and the kids going back to school, Richard and I were informed that we brought more back from our Disney vacation than Pirates of the Caribbean coffee mugs;  it appears Disney had cursed blessed us with another minion.   We found this out about a day or two after we had just adopted an adorable Labrador-mix puppy who we dubbed Dexter, thus ensuring our three bedroom, one bath home was going to be over capacity soon.

Little Man was born in April 2010, almost two weeks past my due date.  Along with his arrival he brought us joy and fear and a whole new level of insanity to the Silva household.  In the years since then it has been a whirlwind of madness:  diaper changes and midnight feedings all over again, new nightmares, new stress.    My better half took a position with another company, the entire Silva Clan + invaded the High Seas via Carnival Cruise lines, we moved out of our modest starter home into something with more living space but less yard, and I am yet again having to teach someone how to walk, talk and wipe their own behind.    My husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage (yay!) and I still grace the halls of the same company I’ve been with for even longer (yay?).

There is more madness to fill my days now, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Well, most days at least.  Ask me again on a Saturday afternoon when the house I’ve spent hours cleaning is being destroyed in seconds by a three year old going 60 mph.

And I’m still writing.   So many words I have written!  And so many more words I intend to write and share with all you poor saps who have tumbled on my page.   So welcome back, dear readers.  Let’s ride.


2 thoughts on “A little of this, a little of that…

  1. Happy for you. =) Cheerleading your way. Thank you so much for the follow. Blessings.

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